Safari Sunday: The time I saw into an elephant’s soul (and she saw into mine)

Posted by barb on Mar 12, 2017 in Pictures, Recreation, Travels

This was the only picture I needed to make the safari worth it. Honestly, even without the picture, the experience alone was enough – the proof of the experience is just the icing. It is by far my favorite of the 10,000+ pictures that we took.

We had found a group of elephants in Chobe, so we pulled over near where they would cross the road. One of the elephants took a few quick steps toward the truck – it was heart stopping (and our guide had his hand on the ignition, ready to get us out if necessary). When she stopped, she was no more than 15 feet away, and she and I looked into each other’s eyes…or that’s what it felt like.

This picture is not cropped and was not taken with the full zoom of my lens. I took exactly one picture, then put the camera down to take in the moment.

Seeing her soul

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Safari Sunday: A grumpy hippo

Posted by barb on Mar 5, 2017 in Pictures, Recreation, Travels

I’m pretty sure every puddle that can support a hippo in Botswana *has* a hippo – and don’t be fooled if you don’t see one!

Our guide found this guy hanging out in a small pond near our camp in Kwara. He pulled up close to the pond so that we could get a few pictures. Unfortunately, the hippo wasn’t very happy with our truck sitting so close to his pond. He stood up, turned around, and looked at us annoyed (all the while keeping his mouth as much in the water as possible, which struck me as weird). Finally, he decided we weren’t moving, got up and walked out of the pond toward the nearby trees.

Hippo in a pond

Hippo in a pond

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Safari Sunday: Tsessebe mama and baby

Posted by barb on Feb 26, 2017 in Pictures, Recreation, Travels

We saw many different types of antelope in #Botswana – the tsessebe showed up at Kwara in the Okavango Delta. We saw several on our first game drive – those, though, were hiding and running from the wild dogs. We found this pair on our second day, fortunately no where near the dogs…

Tsessebe and baby

Tsessebe and baby

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Safari Sunday: A little troublemaker

Posted by barb on Feb 19, 2017 in Pictures, Recreation, Travels

On one of our game drives at Pom Pom Camp in the Okavango Delta, we came upon a pride of lions eating a kudu. There were a couple of lionesses along with their young ranging in age from about 7-8 months up to a couple years old.

While the rest of the pride was feasting, this little one was trying to chew on one of the horns. He also tried to go after the ear, but it seemed too tough for his little teeth. At one point, another of the lions walked by and he swiped at their legs. Clearly, this little guy was the troublemaker in the group!

Chewing on the horns

Chewing on the horns

Chewing on the horns

Chewing on the horns

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Safari Sunday: An African painted dog

Posted by barb on Feb 12, 2017 in Pictures, Recreation, Travels

Going into our trip, I didn’t know what our prospects of seeing the wild dogs would be – they are endangered and only a few hundred remain in Botswana. However, we caught a pile of them when we were leaving Chobe, and then found a couple (?) packs at Kwara.

They are beautiful but deadly. We first spied them hunting antelope who were trying to use the reeds as cover. The dogs hop as they run along so that they can see over the reeds and find their prey. They also make quick work of their prey once it’s down. As much as I wanted to pet them, I’m sure I would have lost a limb (or more) if I tried!

Lounging wild dogs

Lounging wild dogs

Lounging wild dogs

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Safari Sunday: Elephants at the end of the rainbow

Posted by barb on Feb 5, 2017 in Pictures, Recreation, Travels

Better than a pot ‘o’ gold!

It was threatening rain on our first game drive at Kwara Camp in the Okavango Delta. I think we ended up with a few drops, but then it cleared up with the most beautiful rainbow stretching across the entire sky. #SafariSunday

Check out the rainbow picture full screen to pick out the elephants.

Elephant rainbow

Rainbow elephants

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Safari Sunday: A lilacbreasted roller drops in

Posted by barb on Jan 29, 2017 in Recreation, Travels

There were lots of pretty birds at several of the parks and reserves. We aren’t exactly birders, but we did enjoy the colorful array we saw. Our guide pointed out many of these rollers, but most wouldn’t sit still long enough for a portrait – I have lots of blurred bird photos.

I could hardly remember the names of all the birds the guides called out, but was able to find most of them in a guidebook after the fact 🙂

Lilacbreasted Roller

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Safari Sunday: A newborn zebra

Posted by barb on Jan 22, 2017 in Recreation, Travels

We spied this pair of zebras in Chobe National Park. The guide described the baby as a “newborn”, though I’m not sure what that translates to in age – a few days? a couple weeks? certainly less than a month. This was another time that the guide was as taken by the sight as we were – he wasn’t sure he’d seen one this young before. Those were among my favorite things we saw – you know when the guide is amazed that you are seeing something truly special. We stayed and watched for a little while, hoping the little one would go running or bucking off, but she stuck close to mama.

Mama and baby zebra

Mama and baby zebra

Mama and baby zebra

Mama and baby zebra

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Safari Sunday: Young lion waking up

Posted by barb on Jan 15, 2017 in Recreation, Travels

This young lion is waking up from a nap, ready to eat more of the young water buffalo that she and her pride had felled earlier in the day. We came across all of them sprawled out, napping and panting. The guide suggested waiting around to see if they went back to the carcass (which we found just down the road). The guide told us that after a lion pride makes a kill, they will gorge themselves, then nap/pant for hours while they digest, then return to the carcass (if there’s still more) to eat more. Sure enough, after a time, the two young lions got the munchies, woke, stretched, and tried to rouse the adults. Then they headed back to the carcass and we watched them feed. The adults followed a short time later.

I'm so fierce!


Hungry again

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Safari Sunday: A trio of giraffes

Posted by barb on Jan 8, 2017 in Recreation, Travels

We came upon this trio during our first game drive in Chobe National Park. When the guide first pointed them out, I think I squealed in delight. He had known I loved elephants, but I think that he quickly realized that giraffes were near the top of the list, too.

I think of the first picture as the “Charlie’s Angel Giraffes”…maybe that’s just me?



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