So…This is 39

Posted by barb on Oct 26, 2010 in Pictures, Random Thoughts |

I’m a day into being 39, and it’s not so bad. I’m not actually one of those people who dreads certain ages; there’s no point in it really. In fact, I look at the “big numbers” as excuses to get all my girlfriends together – since they’re scattered across the country, I need an excuse every now and then!

I have to admit that 38 hasn’t been the best year….parts have been great and parts have not been so great. I was looking forward to 38 because 37 seemed to suck pretty hard. Now, I can hardly remember why 37 was so hard because it’s been eclipsed by the curse of 2010.

I suppose 37 sucked because I had just graduated (which was a good thing) and was on a job hunt (which was the bad thing). It was a year-long hunt that only garnered three interviews (still, not bad compared to most recent science PhDs without PostDoc experience). And it looked like I was going to have to take a job in Mississippi…without my husband for at least the first year. 37 felt like I was in a holding pattern the whole year. I was just getting out of that pattern when I turned 38 – I had been offered a job at my current work, doing the part of my job that I loved, and had just started working full-time. The rest of my life seemed like it should fall into place nicely.

Ares asks for belly-rubs after his surgery

Duncan settles on the triangle pillow

That lasted until January, when my kitty (Ares) was diagnosed with cancer. Another kitty (Duncan) had been losing weight. January through March were all about sick cats and getting them to eat. The house had a pall of sadness…it was bleak. Things turned around for Duncan when we figured out how often we needed to feed him. We had to wait until July to hear about Ares, but then the news was good – remission!

(I’m happy to say that my little girl, Artemis, has been healthy – we’ve told her that she is to stay healthy, because we can’t deal with another sick cat any time soon!)

Can I have a treat?

On the plus side, we got a dog in May…you know how some women yearn for kids? You know, they have an ache in their hearts when they see others with kids? Yeah, I could give a crap about having kids, but I had that ache for a dog. So you can imagine how happy I was when we got Aurora.

50 miles, baby!

I also accomplished a goal that I set in February – biking 50 miles in one shot. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could; I thought this was maybe too big a goal. And yet, in September, we did it!

OMG Ponies!!!1!!1!1

I got to have a fun girl’s weekend with my BFF in June…wasn’t sure we’d be able to figure that out, given our busy schedules (and her cute little guy!), but we did it. Not sure when we’ll manage again, but I think we’ve proven that it can be done.

So, I guess that parts of 38 were very stressful, but there was some awesomeness as well. I’m looking forward to 39!



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