Name issue resolved

Posted by barb on Apr 30, 2004 in Wedding |

I think I’ve resolved the name-change issue. I’ve been fretting over it for the past several months.

On the one hand, I want to change my name. I like the idea of being part of a couple, and being identified with Andrew. (Not the barbaric, he-owns-me kind of identification, but the we’ve-pledged-our-lives-to-one-another kind of identification.)

On the other hand, I have two referred publications under my maiden name in The Astrophysical Journal (one of those as first author). I will have at least one more (albeit as one of 80 authors) by the time of the wedding, possibly a fourth (depending on the results of my current thesis investigation). I’ve also had this name for my entire life — 32 years. I’m not ready to just give it up.

So, I think I’ve decided on the compromise I like best:
Barbara Jo Mattson Kuchling

Two middle names. I really like ‘Jo’, so I’m not willing to get rid of it. But this way I can continue publishing scientifically under B. J. Mattson, but also get Christmas cards addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Kuchling (eventually Mr. & Dr. Kuchling!). I realize that I could continue publishing as B. J. Mattson, but it seems like it would be easier if the ‘Mattson’ is still part of my legal name.

I’m happy with this compromise, but need to see how the decision feels in a couple weeks or months. I still have time.

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