Safari Sunday: A lion family for New Year’s

Posted by barb on Jan 1, 2017 in Recreation, Travels |

Early in the day, our guide found a mama lion in an area where he knew that a pair of mama lions often “stashed” their babies during the day. Our guide knew that they would often call them out in the late morning and/or late afternoon to get them some exercise.

When the lion walked into the brush, we poked around the bushes to see if she would call them out to get some exercise. She didn’t, but we found where on litter was waiting patiently for their mama. We could barely see them, because they were tucked away behind some bushes. But I did see one toddle past – barely able to walk. The guide guessed that they were maybe 2 months old – old enough that their eyes were open, but young enough that they weren’t very good at walking, and the mama wouldn’t be having them come out.

However, we returned late in the afternoon, because the guide also knew there was a second set of cubs. We found the two mama lions together first, and waited around for the one to call out her cubs. They came out and hung around mama for a little while. A good looking family!

Mama and cubs

Mama and cubs

Mama and cubs

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