Digging through old e-mail…

Posted by barb on Jan 4, 2011 in Random Thoughts |

I found this while digging through my Yahoo mail account (which I haven’t used for real mail in years). My BFF, Sweetie, was asked by a guy on Match.com how her best friend would describe her, so she went straight to the source. So, this is how I described Sweetie in 2004:

This is actually very difficult, since I could write a book on my Sweetie. Here’s the abbrieviated version:

First of all, she is funny and smart. This makes for great conversations – though-provoking at times, silly at times, and always fun.

She’s strong person who has weathered bumps in her life better than any other person I’ve known. When life hands her lemons, she might not make lemonade, but perhaps a nice pan of lemon bars (yum).

She’s the kind of person who, once she calls you a friend, will stand up for you when you need her to. She’s there for the little things – like a ride to the airport – but also for the big things – like holding your hand at a funeral.

Did I mention silly? lovable? fiery (not just with the red hair, either)? I could go on, but hopefully you’ve gotten the idea.

In summary – if you’re a good guy, you really want to get to know Sweetie better. And if you get to know her better and you turn out to be a schmuck, I’ll kick your ass (I’m the kind who stands up for my friends, too)

And is it still how I would describe Sweetie? Absolutely, but I’d have to add that she’ll travel across the country just because I miss her, she’s a wonderful Mommie, and even though we don’t talk as much as we’d like, we can always pick up as if no time as passed at all.



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