Posted by barb on May 9, 2005 in
Random Thoughts
I’m still here — I’ve just been taking a bit of a break from blogging as I catch up on the rest of my life. That, and I haven’t had much of interest to say. I’m plugging away on my thesis, scrapbooking the wedding, biking with Andrew, exercising, trying to get into healthier eating habits, and preparing a poster for the AAS meeting starting Memorial Day.
Tags: comfort
Posted by barb on Apr 23, 2005 in
…and a bit of mini-golf.
We’re heading off for a long weekend, so things will be quiet around here until Wednesday or Thursday. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. Topic: How can the moon be compared to a giant block of cheese?
Tags: comfort
Posted by barb on Apr 22, 2005 in
Random Thoughts
…going to grab some quick lunch, then hop in bed with at least one fuzzy kitten.
Tags: comfort, work
Posted by barb on Mar 20, 2005 in
Random Thoughts

Spring arrived this morning at 7:33 AM EST.
I’ve noticed Spring creeping up over the past couple weeks. The sun has been coming up before I leave for work. Friday I opened the windows in the house for a little while, and heard birds singing in our backyard. For the past half hour I’ve been hearing distant rumblings (thunder, maybe?) and the sky has gotten very dark. A thunderstorm would be the best way to welcome Spring!
Tags: comfort